IM V7 comments

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Alan Hadley
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IM V7 comments

Post by Alan Hadley »

I have IM version 7 compiling without trouble on Windows 7, using the free Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2013 edition, I just unzip the latest Beta version and run the precompiled setup program, thank's to everyone concerned.

I have however found a couple of problems.

1. It appears that the "Deligates.xml" file has an incorrect entry for "MPEG", so that frames from movie files will not load. I copied the relavent entry from an old deligates file and everything works OK now. The problem has something to do with the "-pam" command line option to ffmpeg being missing.

2. I tried to use the ChannelFX function to produce Red, Green and Blue images from a single image, that is three or four channel images for the colour channels with two channels set to zero and I failed so I did some tests shown below. I should say I am using the MagickCore function not a command line.

original image RGBA, the ChannelFX strings are in quotes.

"red", "green" and "blue" work as expected, producing single channel image, or single plus alpha depending on input.
"red;green;blue" works as expected producing three images like the above.

"red,green,blue" gives red,green,blue.
"red,blue,green" gives red,blue,green.
"green,red,blue" gives green,red,blue.
"green,blue,red" gives blue,red,green, fail.
"blue,green,red" gives blue,green,red.
"blue,red,green" gives green,blue,red, fail.

"red=0", "green=0" and "blue=0" all set "red" to 0.

"red,green=0,blue=0" gives red,0,blue, fail.
"red=0,green,blue=0" gives 0,red,blue, fail.
"red=0,green=0,blue" gives 0 for red, green for green, red and green for blue, fail.

Alan Hadley
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Re: IM V7 comments

Post by dlemstra »

First of all thank you for trying ImageMagick 7. Can you be more specific about the changes you would like in delegates.xml? IM6 and IM7 both have the same content. And can you also reproduce your second issue on the command line?
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