Complete dummy NOT converting large format psb to bmp

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Complete dummy NOT converting large format psb to bmp

Post by HardArt »

I have been given a large photoshop *.psb image that I need to convert to a 8 bit bmp.
I have downloaded ImageMagick-6.6.0-6-Q16-windows-dll.exe but can not see a reference to psd files, saw a reference to it earlier today but maybe I need to run the source files on visual basic?
If so do I need the full edition or can I get away with the ExpressEdition. I could not figure out how to bring up the Build/Build solution to compile in Express, so didn't get far there.

I'm using mobile broadband in a really bad reception area, at least 23 hours to download if i can get reception 4% so far - LOL

I have to say I feel a bit out of depth (more like completly) trying to use this program as I have completly forgoten how to use DOS and the command prompt, and have no experience of programming (other than old excel macros) - do i needed to change directories and put *.psb files in a specific directry?

Maybe i'm not using correct commands can any one help and save my butt, please.

Or if you know of another pprogram that could handle large *.bmp files but with a more of a wysiwyg interface?

Did I mention i'm desperate - any help greatly appreciated

Thanks again
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Re: Complete dummy NOT converting large format psb to bmp

Post by magick »

Assume your image is called image.psb. Do you try
  • convert image.psb image.bmp
If that fails, post a URL to your image so we can download it and reproduce the problem.

Re: Complete dummy NOT converting large format psb to bmp

Post by HardArt »

Last edited by HardArt on 2010-03-18T16:02:31-07:00, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Complete dummy NOT converting large format psb to bmp

Post by HardArt »

Magic thank you for your reply.
i moved the image psb to c:\Users\If\panel.psb ran the command which tied up laptop for a fair time, with my fingers crossed I waited in anticipation.
Below isa copy of the message

c:\users\if>convert panel.psb to panel.bmp

long wait then

convert: memory allocation failed 'panel.psb' @ error/psd.c/ReadPSDImage/870.
convert: unable to open image 'to' : No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2489.
convert: missing an image filename 'panel.bmp' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2941.
long process time

Do you have some pointers?

Image is 85,000 x 12,000 pixels total of 958M pixels
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Re: Complete dummy NOT converting large format psb to bmp

Post by magick »

Add -limit memory 0 -limit map 0 to your command line (before the image filename). If it still fails, post a URL and we'll see if it converts for us.

Re: Complete dummy NOT converting large format psb to bmp

Post by HardArt »

Thanks again magick

I tried that and it ran for 24 minutes but without success.
I have enough room for this conversion with 50Gb free?

errors were

c:\users\if>convert limit memory 0 panel7.psb to panel.bmp

25 minute process

convert: unable to open image 'limit' : No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2489.
convert: unable to open image 'memory' : No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2489.
convert: unable to open image '0' : No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2489.
convert: memory allocation failed 'panel7.psb' @ error/psd.c/ReadPSDImage/870.
convert: unable to open image 'to' : No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2489.
convert: missing an image filename 'panel.bmp' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2941.

I/m really struggling on uploading the image due to very poormobile broadbadconection. Any advice on best place to place it?

Thanks again

Re: Complete dummy NOT converting large format psb to bmp

Post by HardArt »

Having a go at uploading file to fingers crossed connection has stayed on for a few minutes now, its been off most of this afternoon and evening.

Re: Complete dummy NOT converting large format psb to bmp

Post by HardArt »

This image uploading is not looking good.

I should have pointed out that the image is an 8 bit grey scale and wanted to convert it to an 8 bit grey scale windows bmp file, but that should not be an issue?
Have been given a tif version of same image

c:\users\if>convert limit memory 0 panel7.tif to panel7.bmp

process time much shorter

convert: unable to open image 'limit' : No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2489.
convert: unable to open image 'memory' : No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2489.
convert: unable to open image '0' : No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2489.
convert: unable to open image 'to' : No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2489.
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Re: Complete dummy NOT converting large format psb to bmp

Post by snibgo »

c:\users\if>convert limit memory 0 panel7.tif to panel7.bmp
convert: unable to open image 'limit' : No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2489.
convert: unable to open image 'memory' : No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2489.
convert: unable to open image '0' : No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2489.
convert: unable to open image 'to' : No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2489.
You've forgotten "-" in front of "limit".

And what is "to" for?
snibgo's IM pages:

Re: Complete dummy NOT converting large format psb to bmp

Post by HardArt »

Wow thats what you call tiredness, I have no idea what the to is doing there - thank you
So Ill try again with c:\users\if>convert - limit memory 0 - limit map panel7.psb panel.bmp - sorry (i had thought or not as the case may be) that i should include between the two - , I hadn't realised that they were part of the instructions.
Thankyou snibgo, I'll try it now

Re: Complete dummy NOT converting large format psb to bmp

Post by HardArt »

I tried with the following

c:\users\if>convert - limit memory 0 - limit map panel7.psb panel7.bmp with the panel7.psb in the directory c:\users\if>

approx. 25 minutes later

convert: no decode delegate for this image format 'C:/Users/IF/AppData/Local/Temp/magick-tpHZPf14' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/533.
convert: unable to open image 'limit' : No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2489.
convert: unable to open image 'memory' : No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2489.
convert: unable to open image '0' : No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2489.
convert: no decode delegate for this image format 'C:/Users/IF/AppData/Local/Temp/magick-c6GFIEkF' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/533.
convert: unable to open image 'limit' : No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2489.
convert: unable to open image 'map' : No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2489.
convert: memory allocation failed 'panel7.psb' @ error/psd.c/ReadPSDImage/870.
convert: missing an image filename 'panel.bmp' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2941.

So I don't know if my syntax is wrong.
This mobile broadband connection is horrendous today, its taking 20 minutes just to reset everything and stay connected long ehough to send message - LOL

I appreciate your thoughts, thanx
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Re: Complete dummy NOT converting large format psb to bmp

Post by magick »

That's -limit. Not - limit. No space.

Re: Complete dummy NOT converting large format psb to bmp

Post by HardArt »

OK back again; couldn’t get back on again last night so picked up your comments this morning.
Tried the following this morning;
C:\Users\IF>convert –limit memory 0 panel7.psb panel.bmp

With the following result

convert: memory allocation failed ‘panel7.psb’ @ error/psd.c/ReadPSDImage/870.
convert: missing an image filename ‘panel.bmp’ @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2941.

C:\Users\IF>convert –limit memory 0 -limit map panel7.psb panel7.bmp

I see in my syntax above that there is a difference in size between the two dashes yet they are the same font size, could it be I’m not using the correct dash ~ I’m using the minus sign

Are my resources sufficient? C:\Users\IF> identify -list resource

File Area Memory Map Disk Thread Time
1536 17.161GB 11.986GiB 31.964GiB 18.446744EB 2 unlimited

I thought I had 50Gb available so am a bit surprised not to see that there.

In the command I have entered –limit map but I haven’t put a limitation on it it, do I need to adjust that? Don't answer this please- STUPID beyond belief

I’m also trying to get a copy of the file uploaded but can’t get hold of the man with the file to arrange it at the moment but as soon as I can I will.

C:\Users\IF>convert –limit memory 0 -limit map panel2.psb panel2.bmp
Fast result was
convert: invalid argument for option ‘-limit’: panel2.psb @ error/convert.c/convertImageCommand/1818.

Tried C:\Users\IF>convert –limit memory 0 panel2.psb panel2.bmp
Convert: memory allocation failed ‘panel2.psb’ @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2941.

Next move is to try all above on a PC I have just gained access to.

Any advice is very welcome, and thank you again all.

PS Just ran identify -list resource on PC

File Area Memory Map Disk Thread Time
1536 25.6731GB 17.932GiB 47.82GiB 18.446744EB 2 unlimited hopefully additional resources will do it?

Re: Complete dummy NOT converting large format psb to bmp

Post by HardArt »

On Pc i ran >convert -limit memory 0 -limit map 0 panel2.psb panel2.bmp
after a wait
convert: memory allocation failed ‘panel2.psb’ @ error/psd.c/ReadPSDImage/870.
convert: missing an image filename ‘panel2.bmp’ @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2941.

So even on spacious pc I seem to be getting a problem.

I've managed to persuade neighbour to upload file so hopefully in next hour will be able to give you a link.

If anyonehas any ideas in the meantime, I'm willing - LOL

Re: Complete dummy NOT converting large format psb to bmp

Post by HardArt »

Here is a link to a smaller psb file that I have also been struggling with

panel2.psb (232.13MB)

i really hope its not something to do with the files.

Have I mentioned I'm using vista

If I was to use a smaller sized file be it bmp or psd or some other could I then use imagemagick to simulate photoshops file resizeing to create a 300 ppi 8bit greyscale 85,039 x 11,811 pixel image.
I wanted to then process this to a 1bit B&W image using another software program and then after that process divide its length into 3 seperate panels of uniform size

And again , thankyou for looking at this
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