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Creating complex buttons with MagickWand

Posted: 2007-09-12T14:22:28-07:00
by hknight

How can I do this with MagickWand? It requires multiple commands.


Code: Select all


global $imPath;
$imPath = "/usr/local/bin/convert";

make_button_3D ("Hello World", 11, '#111111', '#C27A08', '#FE9800', '35', '#eeeeee', 5, 0, 'button_3d');
echo '<p><img src="button_3d.gif"></p>';

function make_button_3D ($text, $fontSize, $fontColor, $buttonColor1, $buttonColor2, $angle, $bgColor, $curve, $antialias, $name)
// Usage
// $text: The word placed inside of the button
// $fontSize: The size of the text inside of the button.  11 is recommended.
// $fontColor: The color of the text inside of the button. Must be a hexadecimal code such as #123abc
// $buttonColor1: The first color of the button. Must be a hexadecimal code such as #123abc
// $buttonColor2: The second color of the button. Must be a hexadecimal code such as #123abc
// $angle: Rotate from one color to the next at this angle.  Between 1 and 359.
// $bgColor: The color of the background behind the button. Must be a hexadecimal code such as #123abc
// $curve: defines the curve for the rounded corners.  0 is a square, 10 is very round.
// $antialias: Set to 1 if you want the text to be antialiased. Otherwise set to 0. 
// $name: name of the gif file to be created. Do not include the extension.

global $imPath;
$prefix = 'tmp_' . substr(time(), -4,4) . rand(100,999);
$font = 'font.ttf';
$curve = inRange($curve, 0, 9);
$fontSize = inRange($fontSize, 5, 20);
$fontColor = valid_color($fontColor);
$buttonColor1 = valid_color($buttonColor1);
$buttonColor2 = valid_color($buttonColor2);
$angle = inRange($angle, 1, 359);
$bgColor = valid_color($bgColor);
if (!$antialias===1) $a = '+antialias'; else $a = '';
$name = substr(preg_replace('/\W/','', $name),0,22).'.gif';

exec  ($imPath ." -background transparent -fill transparent -font " . escapeshellarg($font) . " -pointsize " . escapeshellarg($fontSize + 2) . " label:".escapeshellarg($text)." -border 7 +repage -format '%wx%w' -write info:" . escapeshellarg($prefix . "size1.txt") . " -format '%wx%h'  -write info:" . escapeshellarg($prefix . "size.txt") . " info: > " . escapeshellarg($prefix . "grad.mvg"  ). ' 2>&1' , $error );
exec  ($imPath ." -background transparent -fill transparent -font " . escapeshellarg($font) . " -pointsize " . escapeshellarg($fontSize + 2) . " label:".escapeshellarg($text)." -format 'viewbox 0 0 %[fx:w+7] %[fx:h+7] \\nfill white roundRectangle 1,1 %[fx:w+5] %[fx:h+5] \\n" . $curve ."," . $curve . "' info: > " . escapeshellarg($prefix . "corner.mvg")  . ' 2>&1' , $error );
exec  ($imPath ." -background black " . $a . " " . $prefix. "corner.mvg " . $prefix ."mask.png"  . ' 2>&1' , $error );
exec  ($imPath ." -size `cat ". escapeshellarg($prefix ."size1.txt") . "` gradient:" . escapeshellarg($buttonColor1) ."-". escapeshellarg($buttonColor2) ." -rotate -". escapeshellarg($angle) ." -gravity center -crop `cat " . escapeshellarg($prefix . "size.txt") ."`+0+0 +repage " . escapeshellarg($prefix . "mask.png"). " +matte  -compose CopyOpacity -composite -pointsize ". escapeshellarg($fontSize) ." -font ". escapeshellarg($font) ." -fill black +antialias -gravity Center -annotate 0 ". escapeshellarg($text) ." " . escapeshellarg($prefix."flat.png")  .  " 2>&1", $error );
exec  ($imPath ." " . escapeshellarg($prefix."flat.png") . " -fx A +matte -blur 0x3  -shade 110x30 -normalize ". escapeshellarg($prefix."flat.png") ." -compose Overlay -composite ". escapeshellarg($prefix."flat.png") ." -matte  -compose Dst_In  -composite -trim +repage ". escapeshellarg($name)  .  " 2>&1", $error );
exec  ("rm -f $prefix*" . ' 2>&1' , $error );

function inRange ($number, $minVal, $maxVal){
      $number = (int) $number;
      if($number > $maxVal){ 
            $number = $maxVal;
      }elseif($number < $minVal){ 
            $number = $minVal;
      return $number;

function valid_color($color){
            return $color;
      } else{
            return '#'.$color;

      } else{
            return '#aaaaaa';


Re: Creating complex buttons with MagickWand

Posted: 2007-12-13T18:08:50-07:00
by anthony
You should be able to do it in one command. Otherwise you will need to use some temporary image files (make sure you clean them up, especially on error).