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Linter "puke" when building demo program on Windows 10

Posted: 2019-10-13T15:12:07-07:00
by dan9er
I've compiled ImageMagick on my Windows 10 machine, however I'm not sure if I'd done so successfully. I've attempted to build the demo program but I'm getting, for the lack of a better term, linker puke.

I'm pastebinning the log because it's just so much:
Note that I've stripped irrelevant parts of directories for my privacy.

Relevant project tree:

Code: Select all

|   analyze.cpp
|   button.cpp
|   demos.tap
|   detrans.cpp
|   flip.cpp
|   gravity.cpp
|   piddle.cpp
|   shapes.cpp
|   smile_anim.miff
|   tile.miff
|   zoom.cpp
    |   CMakeLists.txt
    |   |   CMakeCache.txt
    |   |   cmake_install.cmake
    |   |   Makefile
    |   |   model.miff
    |   |   smile.miff
    |   |
    |   \---CMakeFiles
    |       [CMake's stuff...]
    |   |   Magick++.h
    |   |
    |   +---Magick++
    |   |       [.h files...]
    |   |
    |   +---MagickCore
    |   |       [.h files...]
    |   |
    |   \---MagickWand
    |           [.h files...]
    |       CORE_RL_Magick++_.lib
    |       CORE_RL_MagickCore_.lib
    |       CORE_RL_MagickWand_.lib

Code: Select all

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)

# compile with C++11

# set some stuff for Magick++ so it doesn't yell warnings at us

# create the executable
add_executable(demo ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/demo.cpp)

# set directories for libraries and includes
target_include_directories(demo PRIVATE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include)
target_link_directories(demo PRIVATE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib)

# link libraries to executable
target_link_libraries(demo ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/CORE_RL_Magick++_.lib)
Compiled ImageMagick version is 7.0.8-67
VS Build Tools 2019 version is 16.3.2
Using GNU Make 3.81
Using LLVM clang-cl 8.0.1
Imported .lib file is called CORE_RL_Magick++.lib

There's 2 other things about the log:
  • warning: [...] macro redefined - This is another, less serious issue but I'm mentioning it in case it's relevant here. You can see I've set M++'s variables in my CMakeLists.txt, however I don't know why M++ is overriding them. It doesn't do this on my Ubuntu machine, in fact it complains if I don't set them. Is this a Windows quirk?
  • warning: 'getenv' is deprecated - I believe this is an issue with the "outdated" demo program itself, unless I'm mistaken.