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Module "img2knl" missing from (all) Win builds

Posted: 2015-05-17T02:06:52-07:00
by Marsu42
I was trying to experiment with the seemingly nice lens blurs from, but to no avail: On all Windows builds (I've tried IM6 q8, q16 dll and q16 portable, and for good measure the bleeding edge "all included" im7) this module seems to be missing.

Am *I* missing something here, any special reason why it isn't included in any Windows builds? If not, I suggest including it :-) ... thanks for considering!

Re: Module "img2knl" missing from (all) Win builds

Posted: 2015-05-17T11:23:27-07:00
by snibgo
img2knl is one of my proccess modules. These are not part of the official distribution of ImageMagick. To use them, they must be compiled. I provide source code and instructions for building IM with these at

My instructions are for Cygwin tools under Windows. but I expect they would also work on any unix-like environment.

Re: Module "img2knl" missing from (all) Win builds

Posted: 2015-05-17T13:10:19-07:00
by Marsu42
snibgo wrote:img2knl is one of my proccess modules. These are not part of the official distribution of ImageMagick.
Right, I didn't get that, thanks for explaining. Any reason for not including this into the vanilla IM distro (yes, I probably could dig up some old threads)? Let this please be a +1 for this module, looks useful and as stated before compiling a personal im and tracking the source can be a pita.

Re: Module "img2knl" missing from (all) Win builds

Posted: 2015-05-17T14:46:34-07:00
by snibgo
Anyone can do whatever they want with my published process modules. If IM developers want to include them in the official distros, or adapt them as built-in IM commands, that's fine with me.