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Help Setting Up ImageMagick

Posted: 2013-09-19T13:55:56-07:00
by RyanHoldren
I need foolproof step-by-step instructions for installing the latest version of ImageMagick with WebP support on a blank Amazon Linux AMI 2013.03.1 (64-bit).

I'm offering a $50 reward (via PayPal).

- Ryan

Re: Help Setting Up ImageMagick

Posted: 2014-06-10T22:30:59-07:00
by bjornlll
I also need help with this, anyone? I'm on Amazon Linux 2014.03.

Failed attempts include:
  • Using the vanilla ImageMagick package provided through Amazon's repository (No WebP support)
  • Compiling from source (far too slow to be done each time)
  • Installing "ImageMagick-last" from the REMI repository (Fails due to missing dependencies)
If anyone could post a simple step-by-step process on how to get ImageMagick with WebP support up and running on Amazon's latest Linux AMI it would be of great help to me.


Re: Help Setting Up ImageMagick

Posted: 2014-06-17T08:05:12-07:00
by mrmattnc
Login over SSH

//update your packages before we start
sudo yum update

//get the yum build-essentials equivalent for compiling and other fun things
sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"

//add other format support
sudo yum install libpng-devel libwebp-devel freetype-devel libjpeg-devel libtiff-devel

//get a copy of IM

//verify we got it all (and we're not getting scammed) Check this against the sum on, usually the 2nd result will be our file.
sha256sum ImageMagick.tar.gz

tar -zxvf ImageMagick.tar.gz

//navigate, configure, make (change this to match whatever the latest version is)
cd ImageMagick-6.8.9-3

// I'm going config for quantum depth 8 to speed things up, perhaps you want the default of 16
// I'm also disabling x11 support
./configure --with-quantum-depth=8 --without-x

//make (this process takes forever so I chain them together and go get a sandwich)
sudo make;sudo make install

//make sure we got this (you could run the tests if you don't have better things to do.)
// you want to see the latest version of IM Q8 (if you used quantum depth 8) and delegates including jpeg, png, freetype and webp
//Version: ImageMagick 6.8.9-3 Q8 x86_64 2014-06-17
//Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC
//Features: DPC OpenMP
//Delegates: freetype jng jpeg png tiff webp zlib
convert | head -n 4

Go to your EC2 console and choose your running instance.
Actions -> Create Image
Name and Create the image (WARNING: your instance will immediately disconnect to create the snapshot!)

Now in the future you have your own amazon ami that you can load any time you like without having to repeat this nasty process. In the future once booted be sure you run "sudo yum update" to bring security patches in line. It will be available in the "My AMI's" list when you're launching a new instance.