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by magick
Forum: PerlMagick
Topic: PerlMagick installation problem on Solaris 8 (SPARC)
Replies: 0
Views: 17193

You can always type make -k -i install to ignore the regression test failures and install anyway. We suspect the TIFF regression tests may be failing due to you having a way-old TIFF delegate library installed on your system. We have a Solaris 10 system and all the regression tests run without compl...
by magick
Forum: IMagick
Topic: MagickWand For PHP Installation Instructions: Windows
Replies: 21
Views: 362976

The MagickWand for PHP library is being maintained. In fact a new version is scheduled for release in the near future that addresses some of the problems posted here. The delay in getting back to postings in this group is simply that there is too much work to do and too few volunteers. If you want t...
by magick
Forum: Bugs
Topic: SplayTree / multithreaded troubles
Replies: 3
Views: 26545

The ImageMagick developers have applied your suggestions against the current development branch. They will be available in ImageMagick 6.2.6-2 when its released in a few weeks. Thanks for the problem report and suggested fixes.
by magick
Forum: Developers
Topic: Change history that relates to Version/Release numbers
Replies: 4
Views: 31527

Honestly, we have too much work and not enough volunteers on the project. If you would like to volunteer, we have a stack of things that need to get done and that would free up time for the primary developers to carefully track changes in the future as you suggest.
by magick
Forum: Users
Topic: Using ImageMagick with Dll's in Windows?
Replies: 0
Views: 16196

The most compact ImageMagick distribution is the non-installed static version of ImageMagick. It requires the least number of dependent files.To reduce footprint you can remove any utility you won't use (e.g. display, composite, etc) or you can remove any image coder you won't use (e.g. miff, avs, e...
by magick
Forum: Users
Topic: how to draw a transparent shape with Magick::draw()
Replies: 2
Views: 18144

Replace your DrawableFillOpacity() statement with
  • Img.fillColor("transparent");
to draw a non-opaque circle.
by magick
Forum: Users
Topic: how to specify size of images in a composite
Replies: 3
Views: 24768

The -page option sets the virtual page dimensions. It does not change the size of the image. Use the -resize option to resize the image dimensions.
by magick
Forum: Developers
Topic: Change history that relates to Version/Release numbers
Replies: 4
Views: 31527

All changes since the release of 6.0.0 are related to the command line improvements discussed here: You won't find specific source code changes here but there is a discussion of how the version 6 command line differs from that of Im...
by magick
Forum: Bugs
Topic: v6.2.6 PSD conversion with *.psd[0]
Replies: 9
Views: 72297

There is an ImageMagick ChangeLog available here:
by magick
Forum: Developers
Topic: Q: Ghostscript not multi threaded ?
Replies: 3
Views: 28723

We suspect that Ghostscript is not multi-threaded. To be safe we probably should declare the Postscript interpreter as not threadable. When the non-threaded attribute is set, ImageMagick provides a semaphore to serialize the Postscript interpreter. We'll get this patch in ImageMagick 6.2.6-2 Beta av...
by magick
Forum: Users
Topic: Memory Usage
Replies: 0
Views: 17268

ImageMagick can be less memory intensive. ImageMagick permits you to set resource limits. If you set the memory and map resource limits to say 8MB, any image that is larger than that is cached to disk. Its slower but it does limit your memory usage.
by magick
Forum: Bugs
Topic: v6.2.6 PSD conversion with *.psd[0]
Replies: 9
Views: 72297

We had to remove the predefined layers patch just before release because it was causing problems with some PSD images and was not tested properly. We will need more time to investigate this problem and come up with a robust solution. In the mean-time it should work properly now just reading the imag...
by magick
Forum: Developers
Topic: Breakpoints in Delphi
Replies: 0
Views: 17733

The developers have no breakpoints in the ImageMagick distribution that we are aware of. Give the latest release a try, ImageMagick 6.2.6-1, and see if the problem persists.
by magick
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Easily reproduced segfault converting PNG to PNG8
Replies: 0
Views: 16617

Thanks for the problem report. We got a one-lint patch in ImageMagick 6.2.6-2 to fix the problem. ImageMagick 6.2.6-2 will be released within a month.
by magick
Forum: Bugs
Topic: 32-bit .tga, alpha channel disappears? identify.c bug?
Replies: 1
Views: 25683

Can you post a URL to at least one 16-bit TGA with alpha and one 32-bit TGA with alpha so we can test the ImageMagick TGA support. We see opportunities for fixes in the coder but we need a test image to confirm our patch is working properly.