Search found 21 matches

by architektura
Forum: Users
Topic: Rotate 90< .bat
Replies: 2
Views: 3552

Re: Rotate 90< .bat

Thank You mr GeeMack!
by architektura
Forum: Users
Topic: Rotate 90< .bat
Replies: 2
Views: 3552

Rotate 90< .bat

when I want to go with files into forfiles loop in.bat file I get strange info: this is my source of bat file: forfiles /s /m *.JPG /p "C:\im\test" /c "cmd /c "c:\im\magick.exe" convert @path -rotate "90<" @path" this is what I get into cmd line - error with c...
by architektura
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Montage: how to prevent overwriting pdf?
Replies: 1
Views: 9785

Re: Montage: how to prevent overwriting pdf?


by architektura
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Montage: how to prevent overwriting pdf?
Replies: 1
Views: 9785

Montage: how to prevent overwriting pdf?

Hello, how can I prevent overwriting pdf in Montage? I use Your script - and every time if I want use "Montage" pdf is overwite but if I use images.Write(filepath) insteed - I get multipage pdf (but I cant use this format of picture) List<string> lFiles = new List<string>(); foreach (Strin...
by architektura
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Montage set const page width and height
Replies: 6
Views: 15338

Re: Montage set const page width and height

@page resize
from comand line I can set -page width_x_height :/
(resize working :))

how to prevent overwirting page and make multipage pdf? (as code above)
by architektura
Forum: Developers
Topic: Psd to pdf text feature
Replies: 6
Views: 16617

Re: Psd to pdf text feature

@raster processor - I dont know how - but I can get live link from images processing into Image Magick - this is great!
by architektura
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Montage set const page width and height
Replies: 6
Views: 15338

Re: Montage set const page width and height

Hi again - I used collection class but page's still are overwitten - if I choose for example 12 pictures with tile 2x2 I get 1 page which overwiritten 3 times... List<string> lFiles = new List<string>(); foreach (String filename in openFileDialog1.FileNames) lFiles.Add(filename); using (MagickImageC...
by architektura
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Montage set const page width and height
Replies: 6
Views: 15338

Re: Montage set const page width and height

Hi I want to setup paper form - horizontal A4 - 842 x 595

if I use for example

Code: Select all

montageResult.Page.Width = 842;
 montageResult.Page.Height = 595;
page are not A4 horizontal - page width and height are depend on images...
by architektura
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Montage set const page width and height
Replies: 6
Views: 15338

Re: Montage set const page width and height

and what I can do to write multipage pdf in c# - this is impossible?
by architektura
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Montage set const page width and height
Replies: 6
Views: 15338

Montage set const page width and height

1] in cmd line is simple - page 842x595 (horizontal a4) but how I can make constans page widht and height into c# if I write ms.Geometry.Width = 842; ms.Geometry.Height = 595; or montageResult.Page.Width = 842; montageResult.Page.Height = 595; page still have size which is different than a4 or horiz...
by architektura
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Montage in c#
Replies: 4
Views: 12007

Re: Montage in c#

by architektura
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Montage in c#
Replies: 4
Views: 12007

Re: Montage in c#

how set up montage into c# -label %t - from c# -geometry 300x200+2+2 -> Geometry = new MagickGeometry(string.Format("{300}x{200}", 2, 2)) ? -tile 5x5 -bordercolor -> TileGeometry = new MagickGeometry(string.Format("{5}x{5}")) ? -rotate "90<" -> ? -page 842x595 -> ? thx
by architektura
Forum: Users
Topic: filename as folder name
Replies: 2
Views: 3632

Re: filename as folder name

maybe You need some pdf from jpg for /f "tokens=*" %G in ('dir /b /s /a:d "C:\top_path\"') do "C:\im\magick.exe" montage -tile 5x5 %G\*.jpg %G.pdf this give nice multi pdf :) logical tile will be nice feature I need count of images in current folder - if count =<5 tile ...
by architektura
Forum: Users
Topic: filename as folder name
Replies: 2
Views: 3632

filename as folder name

Hi I convert images into one big image where every small images have name as his names but I want to change a name of big image as folder name is possible ? I read and I see something like that: convert *.jpg -resize 80% -set filename:f '%t' ../'%[filenam...
by architektura
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Montage in c#
Replies: 4
Views: 12007

Re: Montage in c#

I cant use this code in c# - I dont know how to convert this code into instructions ;/