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by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: Attempting to integrate two gif onto a png
Replies: 5
Views: 5535

Re: Attempting to integrate two gif onto a png

This reads the file etc just once, and decompresses. Then all the frames are cloned, which means pointers are built. So this is quicker and uses less memory.. Thanks for the additional hint. I use IM for a lot of stuff. A lot. Like building yearbook pages from hundreds of scanned images, assembling...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: Attempting to integrate two gif onto a png
Replies: 5
Views: 5535

Re: Attempting to integrate two gif onto a png

Using the following command [...] Please help me fix this. Building an animated GIF from more than one set of other animated GIFs can be tricky, but if you follow along, I think we can help you understand how it's done. In a comment in your other thread one of the experts here, snibgo, mentioned an...
by GeeMack
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Possible text alignment issue with IM6 and IM7
Replies: 2
Views: 4841

Possible text alignment issue with IM6 and IM7

Using Windows 7 64 and both of these versions of IM... ImageMagick 6.9.3-6 Q16 x64 2016-02-28 (installed from ImageMagick-6.9.3-6-Q16-HDRI-x64-static.exe) ImageMagick 7.0.0-0 Q16 x64 2016-02-28 (installed from ImageMagick-7.0.0-0~beta20160228-Q16-HDRI-x64-static.exe) I'm having an issue with the ali...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: Attempting to merge a .gif and failing
Replies: 9
Views: 6917

Re: Attempting to merge a .gif and failing

The background is now transparent but I now need to get rid of the echo. I think I understand what you're trying to do, but without your original images it's difficult to help you work out a command that gets the whole job done. Maybe you can upload them to your server so we can try a few things. M...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: Attempting to merge a .gif and failing
Replies: 9
Views: 6917

Re: Attempting to merge a .gif and failing

I have two images, one .png and the 2nd .gif. I wish to place the gif onto the png and have successfully achieved that [...] Please make suggestions. It's always best if you let us know what version of ImageMagick you're using and what OS/platform you're working on. It's a little difficult to under...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: Crop coordinates to text file
Replies: 5
Views: 4761

Re: Crop coordinates to text file

I think the OP is using "-gravity center -crop..." rather than "-trim", like this (Windows BAT syntax): convert ^ in.png ^ -gravity center -crop 100x100+0+0 ^ -format "%%w %%h %%O" +write info: ^ +repage ^ out.png >>logfile.txt In order to append that information to &q...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: Sort images into folders based on resolution AND size
Replies: 8
Views: 11087

Re: Sort images into folders based on resolution AND size

When I try to add the above code, i get this error: "mogrify.exe: unable to open image 'image.jpg': Permission denied @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2702" I can reproduce that error by modifying permissions on the file to deny write access. I'm not too familiar with Windows error messages, so it...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: Sort images into folders based on resolution AND size
Replies: 8
Views: 11087

Re: Sort images into folders based on resolution AND size

How would I first change all images with resolutions under 200dpi to 200dpi? You can change the resolution of all JPGs in the directory to 200dpi with a command like this... mogrify -density 200 *.jpg Of course that will change those with higher resolutions to 200dpi, too. You can modify only those...
by GeeMack
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Problem converting to TXT format
Replies: 3
Views: 7339

Problem converting to TXT format

Using IM7 beta ImageMagick 7.0.0-0 Q16 x64 2016-02-21 (installed from ImageMagick-7.0.0-0~beta20160221-Q16-HDRI-x64-static.exe) on Windows 7 64, and running this command... magick rose: output.txt ... I get a text file that starts out like this... # ImageMagick pixel enumeration: 70,46,255,srgb 0,0:...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: input/output filenames and paths
Replies: 5
Views: 6209

Re: input/output filenames and paths

samIam wrote:Very new to this and trying to figure out how to handle folders/directories on windows. [...] Any pointers?
Maybe take a look at the Windows "pushd" command to get your batch file to change directory.
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: Command combination conflict, why? [SOLVED]
Replies: 4
Views: 5416

Re: Command combination conflict, why?

I get all kinds of alpha issue with the layers after i combine four commands. Ran individually they output correctly but when combined I get the issue at hand. Without running tests, and just from looking over the commands, I'd suspect your "-compose" operators are causing the problem. If...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: Layer images and crop a sprite with stars for review badge
Replies: 6
Views: 6035

Re: Layer images and crop a sprite with stars for review badge

My problem is hot to crop the sprite stars before marging with the background. There are some good suggestions already posted. Here's another idea, again using Windows BAT syntax... set VOTES=6 convert ^ sprite-star-def.png ^ -crop 1x11@ ^ +repage ^ -write mpr:stars ^ -delete 0--1 ^ tn-sg-shopbox.p...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: How to convert large PDF with limit resources
Replies: 13
Views: 19130

Re: How to convert large PDF with limit resources

But does that help the resource problem? I just drive the thing. I don't know what goes on under the hood. :wink: It stands to reason there would be no substantial savings if IM is calling the same GS command in either instance. For this type of problem, I would ignore IM, and see what options GS h...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: How to convert large PDF with limit resources
Replies: 13
Views: 19130

Re: How to convert large PDF with limit resources

In this case, can we convert one page portion by portion to use less resources? : ) If you know the PDF is just a single page document, you could start by using ImageMagick to determine the output dimensions of the image using something like this from the command line... convert -density 200 largef...
by GeeMack
Forum: Users
Topic: How to convert large PDF with limit resources
Replies: 13
Views: 19130

Re: How to convert large PDF with limit resources

Is "stream" the only way to handle this? or can we use some functions to convert the PDF portion by portion and then merge them together to one image. It would be helpful if you could describe your set-up, like what platform you're working on and what version of ImageMagick. I use ImageMa...