Search found 79 matches

by holden
Forum: Users
Topic: From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?
Replies: 48
Views: 66149

Re: From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?

If the images look fine on your monitor but print too dark that's most likely a hardware (monitor) calibration issue.
by holden
Forum: Users
Topic: From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?
Replies: 48
Views: 66149

Re: From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?

But when I output in jpg, alpha gets lost. Are you printing onto a transparent surface? Not sure why you would need alpha otherwise- if it is on a transparent surface the printer should have a specific requirement of the filetype you would need. As a side note many printers will take rgb/srgb files ...
by holden
Forum: Users
Topic: From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?
Replies: 48
Views: 66149

Re: From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?

Try saving as a jpg ot tif instead of a png- seems pngs and cmyk don't mix. One quick link:
by holden
Forum: Users
Topic: PSD Conversion
Replies: 57
Views: 58054

Re: PSD Conversion

I've had some preliminary luck converting a CMYK jpg using -profile sRGB.icm -profile printer'sprofile.icc, I assume this first converts to sRGB then applies the specific printer profile. The results have been dead-on color wise as changing the mode from cmyk>rgb in PS (for some reason PS is ok ...
by holden
Forum: Users
Topic: -unsharp - convert time
Replies: 3
Views: 5610

Re: -unsharp - convert time

Why are you running -auto-level -unsharp 0x1 on the white canvas? Could they be moved to within the parentheses? That's so obvious I can't believe I didn't try that- in this case the canvas isn't even showing so I didn't consider it. I start with a white canvas because that is how I am creating ...
by holden
Forum: Users
Topic: How does -unsharp work?
Replies: 17
Views: 29347

Re: How does -unsharp work?

Kind of OT, but I noticed by using -unsharp 0x1 my convert time increased almost twofold in a command like this:

Code: Select all

convert -size 3000x2400 xc:white ( target.jpg -resize 3000x -gravity center +repage  -profile sRGB.icm ) -auto-level -unsharp 0x1 -composite target2.jpg 
by holden
Forum: Users
Topic: How to get an IM command to the console and run?
Replies: 5
Views: 5038

Re: How to get an IM command to the console and run?

then typing "test.vbs" at the command prompt works for me. The thing I am trying to avoid is typing into the command line, I would rather have some automation of that part (I know this isn't the ideal forum to ask but so far the search has been fruitless). Basically vbscript generates the IM ...
by holden
Forum: Users
Topic: How to get an IM command to the console and run?
Replies: 5
Views: 5038

Re: How to get an IM command to the console and run?

I've tried that and many variations, and nothing works- it's a common theme that those commands do nothing in the threads I have read through (and I have tried probably 40 iterations of it). I think the big issue may be setting permissions, and to have loose permissions that allow .bats to run does ...
by holden
Forum: Users
Topic: How to get an IM command to the console and run?
Replies: 5
Views: 5038

How to get an IM command to the console and run?

I have a vbscript written that takes instructions from a table and generates an IM command. I need to now run the IM command automatically- I thought I had this solved using .bat files but that won't work. Any ideas? I understand that there is some wip code for v7 happening, but a solution is needed ...
by holden
Forum: Users
Topic: Can't even crop
Replies: 6
Views: 5806

Re: Can't even crop

What about something like convert -size WxH (W and H being the finished canvas size) xc:(whatever alpha is) ( originalimage.jpg -crop wxh+0+0 ) -composite imageout.jpg Sorry for the unknowns, I'm still pretty new and am not sure of the proper way to use alpha in IM. You would also need a command to ...
by holden
Forum: Users
Topic: Crop to fill on a canvas with different aspect ratio
Replies: 4
Views: 4470

Re: Crop to fill on a canvas with different aspect ratio

Creating my diagram got me thinking- so far this seems to work also:

Code: Select all

-size 2100x1500 xc:white ( foo.jpg -resize 2100x -gravity center +repage ) -composite out.jpg
Does this look like a proper solution? (Pixel sizes are just an example)
by holden
Forum: Users
Topic: Crop to fill on a canvas with different aspect ratio
Replies: 4
Views: 4470

Crop to fill on a canvas with different aspect ratio

I've been struggling to find a nice simple way to do this- IM will fit an image onto a canvas of a different aspect ratio leaving white space, which is something I need to do at certain times, but I also need to do this: I just can't find a non-hacky or consistent ...
by holden
Forum: Users
Topic: Improve poor quality TIF image prior to barcode recognition
Replies: 8
Views: 10548

Re: Improve poor quality TIF image prior to barcode recognit

I'm curious if scaling them up then back down with a specific method and/or this ... ive-resize would get you usable results. This is a tricky thing to do with low res images, the old blood from a stone thing.
by holden
Forum: Users
Topic: Drawing a Six Inch Box
Replies: 10
Views: 7264

Re: Drawing a Six Inch Box

What are the actual pixel dimensions of your scanned images, and what size do you want to print them at?
by holden
Forum: Users
Topic: [Solved] Laying out an aceo or wallet sheet
Replies: 17
Views: 18670

Re: [Solved] Laying out an aceo or wallet sheet

It can be confusing at first. Settings can, and sometimes must, come before the image. -page, -size, and -gravity are settings. Operations go after the image(s) they are to operate on. -repage, -rotate, and -layers are operations. Good to know, I will research the two (operations and settings) a ...