#!/bin/sh # # Create a animation of an explosion, # Setting the central color using a single pixel. # This color starts white and fades to black. # (ASIDE: on a larger display, debris should also fade out). # command='convert -delay 50 koala.gif ' command="$command -bordercolor white -border 60x60" # enlarge image #center='point 97,97' # the pixels that control the explosion color center='rectangle 97,97 98,98' # the pixels that control the explosion color for i in `seq 1 2 20`; do #c_arg="white" c_arg=`perl -e '$i=1-'$i'/12; $i=$i>0?($i*400):0; $i=$i>255?255:$i; \ printf "rgb(%d,%d,%d)", $i, $i, $i;'` command="$command \\( -clone 0 -draw 'fill $c_arg $center'" command="$command -implode -$i -set delay 10 \\)" done command="$command -shave 60x60 +repage -loop 0 animated_explode.gif" eval $command chmod 644 animated_explode.gif