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Turn on Debugging and Logging

Posted: 2012-10-26T08:43:44-07:00
by msturgill
I am trying to turn on logging and debugging for imageMagick using the com object.

My call:

Code: Select all

output = imageMagick.Convert( "-debug", "all","-size=185x","-background=transparent","-fill=black","-stroke=none","-font=" & descFont,"-pointsize=14","gravity=center","caption:"&couponTitle,descImg)
My log.xml:

Code: Select all

  <log events="All"/>
  <log output="file"/>
  <log filename="c:\magic.log"/>
  <log generations="3"/>
  <log limit="2000"/>
  <log format="%t %r %u %v %d %c[%p]: %m/%f/%l/%d\n  %e"/>
I do not get anything written out to the file. I have also tried to response.write the output from the call with the default log.xml but nothing gets returned. Any ideas what I may be doing wrong?
