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ImageMagickNET on VS2008 - Has anyone succeeded?

Posted: 2011-08-29T04:42:05-07:00
by lavie
Has anyone succeeded in PRESONALLY making ImageMagickNET work on VS2008? I've read quite a few articles gaiving advice to others who have failed - but I see no evidence of anyone who has PERSONALLY gotten it to work.


Re: ImageMagickNET on VS2008 - Has anyone succeeded?

Posted: 2011-08-29T23:51:40-07:00
by whugemann
I haven't tried that so far, but I could give it a try, if you would describe your problem in more detail and give some sample code.

I am dealing with the ways getting ImageMagick to work under Windows (see link below) and I found that in the end it mostly does what it promises. Usage under Windows seems to be the doghouse of the IM world; it's not easy to find real help and hints.

Re: ImageMagickNET on VS2008 - Has anyone succeeded?

Posted: 2011-08-30T01:36:35-07:00
by ahikaz
I succeeded to use ImageMagick with Visual Studio 2010. Take a look at this article : ... maker.aspx

Re: ImageMagickNET on VS2008 - Has anyone succeeded?

Posted: 2011-08-30T07:54:02-07:00
by lavie
What I was looking for was a solution which would alow accessing ImageMagick as a DLL. Accessing it through the command line would be slow for massive processing, and I don't want to have to store intermediate files. But htabnks Ahikaz.

What I am looking for is essentially a .NET wrapper which I would access like any other managed DLL. The VS2005 wrapper produced by "Bubble2k" only works in CS2005/.NET 2.0