#!/bin/sh # # Create a animation of of a rotating image. # Some alpha composition is used to crop the result to the original size. # command="convert -delay 10 logo: -resize 50% -trim +repage -bordercolor blue" command="$command \\( +clone -border 1x1 -fill lightsteelblue" command="$command -colorize 100% \\) -gravity center" for i in `seq 100 -2 20 ;`; do command="$command \\( -clone 0 -liquid-rescale ${i}x100%\!" command="$command -border 1x1 -clone 1 +swap -composite \\)" done # remove source images command="$command -delete 0,1" # duplicate frames to reverse command="$command \\( -clone -2-1 \\)" # write out animation command="$command -layers Optimize -loop 0 animated_lqr.gif" eval $command chmod 644 animated_lqr.gif